Recommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager or designee, to execute a contract, and any necessary documents including amendments with LCPtracker, Inc., of Orange, CA, for providing certified payroll reporting and labor compliance monitoring software, and as-needed support, on the same terms and conditions afforded through the General Services Administration (GSA) contract No.GS-35F-364BA, in an annual amount not to exceed $55,000, until the GSA contract expires on May 7, 2024, with the option to renew as long as the GSA contract is in effect, at the discretion of the City Manager. (Citywide)
City Council approval is requested to enter into a contract with LCPtracker, Inc., (LCPtracker) for certified payroll reporting, labor compliance monitoring software, and support.
LCPtracker is an established vendor with the City of Long Beach (City) and is currently used as the central database and monitoring platform for all certified payroll records and other required prevailing wage and labor compliance documents for public work of improvement projects. The City actively monitors these projects and reports potential violations to the Department of Industrial Relations (DIR) as is required by the California Labor Code. LCPtracker is the storage database for all active and historical projects and is the main method of ensuring City and contractor compliance with the City’s prevailing wage law obligations.
The Labor Compliance Division of the Financial Management Department researched procurement options for labor compliance monitoring software and discovered that there were limited open, fair, transparent, and competitive procurements with other agencies. The City reviewed cooperative agreement options and determined that the contract with GSA provided the best value to the City. Labor Compliance staff are anticipating a significant increase in public work of improvement projects, which will require labor compliance monitoring. City contractors, consultants, and department project managers are already familiar with LCPtracker and switching software would have a negative impact as it would require extensive training, requiring additional resources and time exceeding the current capacity of the Labor Compliance division. Additionally, Labor Compliance staff are trained and certified in the LCPtracker software and are able to assist contractors and consultants without having to engage LCPtracker staff.
City Charter Section 1802 provides an alternative procurement method by permitting the City to purchase or otherwise obtain services, supplies, materials, equipment, and labor with other governmental agencies. This alternative procurement method can save time and reduce costs though economies of scale by purchasing under existing contracts from other government agencies on a voluntary and selective basis, when authorized by a Resolution adopted by the City Council.
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Erin Weesner-McKinley on March 1, 2023, Purchasing Agent Michelle Wilson on February 27, 2023, and Revenue Management Officer Geraldine Alejo on March 3, 2023.
City Council action is requested on March 21, 2023, to allow for uninterrupted continuation of labor compliance monitoring services.
The total annual contract amount will not exceed $55,000 and is appropriated in the General Fund Group in the Financial Management Department. This recommendation has no staffing impact beyond the normal budgeted scope of duties and is consistent with existing City Council priorities. There is no local job impact associated with this recommendation.
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,