Recommendation to adopt Plans and Specifications No. R-6782 for the rehabilitation of Los Coyotes Diagonal between Outer Traffic Circle and Studebaker Road; authorize City Manager to award and execute the contract with Elite Bobcat Service, Incorporated, in an estimated amount of $3,347,571, plus a 10 percent contingency amount of $334,757, if necessary, for a total of $3,682,328, and any amendments thereto except for an increase in the contract price; and
Increase appropriations by $4,154,260 in the Gas Tax Street Improvement Fund (SR 181) in the Department of Public Works (PW) for construction and construction inspection costs related to this project. Funding for this project is from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA). (Districts 4,5)
As part of the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA), certain funds were set aside for the rehabilitation of roads. Projects to be done under this program had to be ready to go to construction immediately, listed as a federal aide urban route (FAU) by the Federal Highway Administration, and listed in the State's Transportation Improvement Program. Los Coyotes Diagonal between Outer Traffic Circle and Studebaker Road fell within this category and was approved for funding under this ARRA program.
The anticipated rehabilitation work on Los Coyotes Diagonal will consist of replacing damaged curbs, gutters, and removing old asphalt and resurfacing the street with rubberized asphalt, and, installing required accessibility improvements, new pavement markings, traffic striping, and vehicle loop detectors at signalized intersections. A vicinity map of the area is attached.
City Council's adoption of the plans and specifications and award of the contract to the lowest responsible bidder are being recommended concurrently in order to expedite implementation of this project. The project was advertised for bids on February 9, 2010, and bids were opened on February 26, 2010. In addition to placing an advertisement for bids in the Long Beach Press Telegram, bid documents were made available through the City's weblink at, http://www.PlanetBids.com <http://www.planetbids.com/>. In a continuing effort to increase participation of local businesses, Small Business Enterprises (SBEs), Minority Business Enterprises (MBEs), Women Owned Business Enterprises (WBEs), and Disadvantaged Business Enterprises (DBEs), bid documents were also sent to several trade publications and plan rooms catering to these groups within the construction industry.
For this bid, 617 firms registered on the website were notified via automatic email notice including 79 located in Long Beach. Twenty-three sets of bid documents were purchased by prospective bidders, and eight bids were received. Of those firms, one is a local business. There were no SBE, MBE, DBE, or WBE registered firms that submitted bids. Elite Bobcat Service, Incorporated, of Corona, California, is the lowest responsible bidder.
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Linda Trang on March 5, 2010 and Budget Management Officer Victoria Bell on March 5, 2010.
The street will be resurfaced with asphalt containing up to 15 percent recycled material as well as recycled rubber from old tires. It is estimated that up to 54,000 tires will be recycled through the use of rubberized asphalt in this project.
In addition, all of the old asphalt material to be removed under this contract will be recycled into new asphalt or utilized as base material on other street projects. Road base material used on the project will come from recycled concrete, rock, sand, and asphalt, and all concrete work will include recycled waste ash diverting these materials from our landfills.
The project will also include the installation of striped bike lanes to encourage the use of bicycles as an alternative transportation mode for the residents of Long Beach.
City Council action on this matter is requested on March 23, 2010, to authorize commencement of this Public Works project. Construction is projected to begin in June 2010 and should take approximately 90 working days.
The contract award is for an estimated amount of $3,347,571, plus a 10 percent contingency of $334,757, if necessary and if funds are available. Note that an additional amount of $552,349, equal to 15 percent of the contract award, is also requested for construction support, including such work activities as inspection, materials testing, and DBE and prevailing wage oversight. This additional amount is not part of the contract award. The project total is $4,234,677. Funding for this project is from the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009 (ARRA) and existing appropriation in the Transportation Fund (SR 182). Since the federal stimulus-grant funding is not yet appropriated, an appropriation increase of $4,154,260 is requested in the Gas Tax Street Improvement Fund (SR 181) in the Department of Public Works (PW).
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,