Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute the First Amendment to Contract No. 28831 with Asbury Environmental Services, Inc.; to extend the contract length to November 30, 2006; and increase appropriations in the Capital Improvement Project (CIP) Fund in the Department of Public Works by $241,100. (Citywide)
On May 4, 2004, the City Council approved contract No. 28831 for the purchase of storm 'drain catch basin inserts. A copy of the Council letter is attached as Exhibit A. The Department of Public Works recently received notification of additional grant funding from the United States Environmental Protection Agency (USEPA) for funds appropriated under the Fiscal Year 2004 Appropriations Act, to be awarded under EPA Grant XP-97993501-0, in the total amount of $241,100 for the purchase of additional catch basin inserts. The expenditure of this grant funding is limited to storm drain pollution traps. The City's storm drain pollution trap program has been enormously successful at minimizing the amount of trash and debris that enters the Los Angeles and San Gabriel Rivers and
ultimately flows onto City beaches. This funding will allow the Department of Public Works to enhance the storm drain pollution trap program, which will keep trash and debris from accumulating on our beaches. The current contract will expire on September 30, 2005. The term of the contract needs
to be extended to allow for installation of the catch basin inserts and because the catch basin insert unit purchase price includes a one-year monitoring component. This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Lisa Peskay Malmsten on August 18, 2005 and Budget Management Officer David Wodynski on September 7,2005.
City Council action on this matter is requested on September 20, 2005, in order to complete the monitoring program contract with Asbury Environmental Services, Inc.
The EPA grant monies will increase the total amount available for the storm drain pollution program by $214,100. The matching funds component of this grant was satisfied by pre-award costs deemed appropriate by the USEPA; therefore, no General Fund monies will be used to accept the grant. The Department of Public Works currently does not have budget to expend the newly received funds. Therefore, an appropriations increase is included in the recommended action.
Approve recommendation.
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Respectfully Submitted,
[Respectfully Submitted,]