Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute a contract and all necessary amendments, including term extensions, with the County of Los Angeles Chief Executive Office to receive and expend Department of Homeland Security grant funding for the 2008 State Homeland Security Grant Program; and increase appropriations by $401,917 in the General Grants Fund (SR 120) and the Fire Department (FD). (Citywide)
The Los Angeles County Chief Executive Office recently advised the City of Long Beach that the 2008 State Homeland Security Grant Program funds have been awarded. This grant is appropriated by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security and managed through the State of California Office of Homeland Security and Los Angeles County Chief Executive Office. Under this grant program, the Long Beach Fire Department will receive a total of $401,917 to continue implementation of the Metropolitan Medical Response System (MMRS) and the State Homeland Security Grant Program (SHSGP). City Council authorization is required to execute a contract and necessary amendments, accept the grant funds and increase appropriations in the General Grants Fund and the Fire Department.
The MMRS grants began in 2001 as part of the Department of Homeland Security's goal to better prepare local governments to respond to any CBRNE (Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear, Explosive) event. The funds have been used to secure emergency medicines for responders and the public, and to increase the capabilities of the Long Beach Fire Department and the Long Beach Department of Health and Human Services. The MMRS 2008 grant award of $311,584 will be utilized to increase the capabilities of emergency responders and to enhance the capabilities of the City of Long Beach by providing for training of staff and procurement of emergency response equipment. The SHSGP 2008 grant award of $90,333 will be utilized to enhance domestic emergency preparedness through Hazardous Materials training for first responders.
This letter was reviewed by Principal Deputy City Attorney Charles Parkin on July 22, 2009 and Budget and Performance Management Bureau Manager David Wodynski on July 23, 2009.
City Council approval is requested on August 11, 2009, to ensure timely acceptance of these grant dollars.
As these grants are currently unbudgeted, an appropriation increase of $401,917 is included in the recommendation. The expense appropriations will be fully offset by grant revenues and this grant does not require matching funds. There is no immediate impact to the General Fund; however, due to time delays between incurring expenditures and receiving revenues, it may be necessary for the General Fund to advance cash to cover grant-related expenses until reimbursement revenues are received. As the grant only covers procurement expenses, anyon-going or future costs for equipment maintenance or replacement will be borne by the General Fund and other funds.
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,