Recommendation to authorize City Manager, or designee, to execute any and all documents necessary for a Supplemental Agreement to Management Agreement No. 21667 with SMG, a Pennsylvania joint venture, for the completion of various capital improvement projects at the Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center, at 300 East Ocean Boulevard, in the amount of $600,000. (District 2)
On March 17, 2020, as part of the Fiscal Year 2020 (FY 20) First Budget Adjustment letter, the City Council approved the use of $600,000 from FY 19 Year-End Tidelands Operating Fund Group surplus for the installation of security cameras, maintenance, and LED lighting projects at the Long Beach Convention and Entertainment Center (LBCEC). The California State Lands Commission (SLC) has been notified of the increase in expenditures for projects at the LBCEC. All SLC requirements have been met and approval by the SLC is anticipated on August 20, 2020. The LBCEC is ready to proceed with the following projects proposed for this appropriation:
Security Cameras - 40 Additional Cameras (Approximately $150,000):
In an ongoing effort to better serve and protect individuals that visit the facility, additional security cameras are to be installed around the facility. The installation of additional security cameras will help deter improper activity and assist law enforcement to address matters that may occur. This improvement includes servers, cabling, piping, and installation for 40 additional cameras covering the Hyatt/Pine Avenue garage and Rainbow Bridge.
Parking Garage - Enhancements (Approximately $450,000):
In an ongoing effort to improve the safety and guest experience at the facility, while also reducing utility expenses for the City, this improvement will retrofit LED lights in all garage facilities at the LBCEC. Over 1,100 light fixtures will be replaced with energy efficient fixtures/bulbs that will reduce utility expenditures and improve safety. The improvement will also include painting of the garage interiors to enhance the lighting upgrades.
This Supplemental Agreement is required to allow SMG to manage these capital improvement projects. SMG will ensure that the bidding process for these projects complies with City of Long Beach (City) regulations and the resulting contracts comply with the State Labor Code, as well as with City’s insurance, bond, and other performance requirements. SMG will confirm with the City that the projects are completed according to the terms of the given contract.
The proposed Supplemental Agreement provides only the authorization for SMG to contract for and administer the proposed capital improvements on behalf of the City. No additional compensation is provided to SMG beyond that already provided under the existing Management Agreement.
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Richard F. Anthony on July 21, 2020. Due to time constraints, no Budget Office review was able to be conducted.
City Council action is requested on August 18, 2020, to allow SMG to immediately begin work to complete the projects in a timely manner.
The $600,000 for capital improvements at the LBCEC is funded using FY 19 Year-End Tidelands Operating Fund Group surplus and is budgeted in the Tidelands Operating Fund Group in the Public Works Department. The SLC has been notified of the increase in expenditures for projects, and all the requirements have been met and approval by the SLC is anticipated on August 20, 2020. This recommendation has no staffing impact beyond the normal budgeted scope of duties and is consistent with existing City Council priorities. There is no local job impact associated with this recommendation.
Approve recommendation.
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Respectfully Submitted,