Recommendation to adopt resolution authorizing City Manager, or designee, to execute all documents necessary to enter into a contract, including any necessary amendments, with the United States Veterans Initiative, Inc., of Los Angeles, CA, in the amount of $113,036 to operate the Interim Shelter Program from April 13, 2020 through June 28, 2020, at 1718-1722 Hayes Avenue; and
Authorize City Manager or designee to execute an amendment to Lease 35431 to extend the term until July 28, 2020. (District 1)
City Council approval is requested to enter into a contract with the United States Veterans Initiative, Inc. (U.S. Vets), to continue to operate the Interim Shelter Program through June 28, 2020. The Interim Shelter Program provides low-barrier, safe and supportive shelter, food and comfort to homeless adult individuals and transitional age youth (TAY).
The Interim Shelter Program is an integral part of the Coordinated Entry System (CES), which was created to ensure consistent approaches for access to, and delivery of, services in the City of Long Beach (City). This program provides increased engagement opportunities with individuals experiencing homelessness to encourage enrollment into case management services, employment and housing programs through the Multi-Service Center, and further maximizes the effectiveness of those services to reduce homelessness in Long Beach.
The current Interim Shelter Program is funded by the Los Angeles Homeless Services Authority (LAHSA). LAHSA was responsible for selecting the interim shelter provider through a competitive application process, contracting with providers and overseeing the interim shelter operations. Through that process, it was determined that the Interim Shelter Program would be operated by the U.S. Vets at property owned by the City, at 1718-1722 Hayes Avenue (Site). The current contract between LAHSA and U.S. Vets is slated to end on March 31, 2020.
On February 18, 2020, the City Council approved an enhancement request in the Department of Health and Human Services (Health Department), made possible by FY 19 ending funds available, to support the extension of the City's Interim Shelter Program. The Health Department has since investigated program options and concluded that the best way to continue to provide services to people experiencing homelessness through the Interim Shelter Program, beyond the current term funded by LAHSA, is to extend the program by entering into an agreement with the current provider, U.S. Vets. The additional terms of the program will allow for 11 weeks of continued service for a contract amount of $113,036.
On November 12, 2019, the City Council adopted Resolution RES-18-0178 redeclaring a shelter crisis, pursuant to California Government Code Sections 8698.1 and 8698.2, which allow local jurisdictions to suspend local laws and regulations "to the extent that strict compliance would in any way prevent, hinder, or delay the mitigation of the effects of the shelter crisis" for any City-owned, leased or maintained property. The City Council’s adoption of the resolution today will ensure the Site remains open to provide low-barrier, safe and supportive shelter, food, and comfort to homeless adult individuals and transitional age youth.
As customary, in an effort to facilitate the use of 1718-1722 Hayes Avenue for the interim shelter as a City-leased property, a Lease between the City as property owner and the United States Veterans Initiative has been negotiated by the Economic Development Department. The City will extend the term of current Lease 35431 to July 28, 2020, to allow for the continued operation of a temporary interim shelter at this Site.
City Charter Section 1801 requires that contracts for City purchases be awarded to the lowest responsible bidder after a competitive bid process but allows for awards without a competitive bid process if accompanied by a Resolution adopted by the City Council.
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Taylor M. Anderson on March 5, 2020, Purchasing Agent Tara Yeats on February 27, 2020, and by Budget Analysis Officer Julissa José-Murray on February 28, 2020.
City Council action to adopt a Resolution and award a contract concurrently is requested on March 17, 2020, to ensure the contract is in place expeditiously.
The contract amount will be $113,036 for an 11-week period. On February 18, 2020, as part of the Fiscal Year 2019 Year-End Budget Performance Report, the City Council approved the staff recommendation to set aside $120,000 to support the extension of the City's interim shelter from March 31, 2020 until the opening of the Atlantic Avenue Interim Community (ABC) Project, establishing a year-round homeless shelter. Those funds have been brought back to the City Council for appropriation on March 17, 2020, as part of the FY 20 First Departmental and Fund Budget Adjustment letter. Funds to support this contract are being appropriated in the General Fund Group in the Health Department. Unbudgeted utility costs associated with the interim shelter program are estimated to be $36,650. Staff is reviewing overall departmental costs and revenue offsets, including grant funding through the County of Los Angeles and its Measure H Homeless Initiative, and will return with a budget adjustment request later in the year when the full offset has been identified. This recommendation has no staffing impact beyond the normal budgeted scope of duties and is consistent with existing City Council priorities.
Approve recommendation.
[Enter Body Here]
Respectfully Submitted,