Recommendation to authorize City Manager to execute an amendment to the agreement with Compulink Management Center, Inc., dba Laserfiche Solutions Group (LSG), to increase the amount by $296,715 for software licenses, software support and implementation services and extend the term for three years to maintain annual payments at the existing level ($72,750). (Citywide)
In August 2009, the City Council approved a resolution authorizing the City Manager to execute an agreement with Compulink Management Center, Inc., dba Laserfiche Solutions Group, of Long Beach, CA, in an amount of $364,000 for the purchase of document management software and implementation services for citywide use. In addition to the software, to be paid in five annual installments through September 2014, the agreement provided for $100,000 in support services to assist in the migration of imaged documents from existing systems to the Laserfiche system.
Since August 2009, City staff, with the assistance of Laserfiche, has successfully implemented the new system in several City departments including Police, Fire, Health (Housing Authority), Development Services, Long Beach Gas and Oil, Financial Management and City Clerk. The Laserfiche solution has allowed the City to replace multiple imaging systems with a single system that meets our needs while delivering ongoing system support cost savings and productivity improvements afforded by a standardized solution. Acquisition of the system brought advanced functionality through the implementation of a web-enabled document imaging and management system. City services are more efficient as a result of the automation and simplification of tasks related to the capture and management of documents and electronic files.
To continue to leverage the City's investment in the Laserfiche system and capitalize on its benefits, staff is requesting approval to migrate to the latest software version. The upgrade would provide many benefits including the ability to use unlimited servers and document repositories, iPhone and iPad reading apps, Department of Defense certified records management, digital signatures, and PDF form activities integrated with workflow. In addition, it would provide for additional software licenses, which are needed as the City has reached its limit on software user capacity. Furthermore, the agreement would allow the City to lock in guaranteed low pricing on future license purchases.
This matter was reviewed by Deputy City Attorney Gary Anderson on November 30, 2011, and by Acting Budget and Performance Management Bureau Manager Shari Metcalfe on December 2, 2011.
The expanded use of the Laserfiche document management system helps facilitate the City's direction to reduce the volume of paper used and save natural resources.
City Council action is requested at its meeting on December 20, 2011 to ensure timely migration to the latest software version.
To support the upgrade to the new version, it is necessary to increase the existing agreement by $296,715, which includes added software licenses, support and implementation services. To maintain the current annual payment amount of approximately $72,750, it is also recommended that the agreement term be extended to September 2017. Sufficient funds are budgeted in the General Services Fund (IS 385) and in the Technology Services Department (TS) as well as user department budgets to support this activity. There is no local job impact associated with this recommendation.
Approve recommendation.
Respectfully Submitted,